What Is Acne And How Does It Form?

Acne Fact- Acne is Caused by Dead Skin Cells.jpg

What is acne?

Acne is an inherited disorder of the pores. Many factors influence and aggravate acne—like diet, hormones, and lifestyle habits—but the true root cause of acne is dead skin cells. The technical term for the cause of acne is retention hyperkeratosis, meaning dead skin cells shed faster than the pore can handle.

How does acne form?

Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells a day.  Acne-prone pores, however, can shed up to FIVE layers of dead skin cells a day and your body just can’t keep up! 

  1. The dead skin cells accumulate in the pore, become sticky with oil, and form a plug.  

  2. If no inflammation is present, the plug develops into blackheads and closed comedones.  

  3. Acne bacteria then begins to multiple, and this increases inflammation around the pore.  

  4. If inflammation is present, the plug develops into papules, pustules, or cysts.

How quickly does acne form?

This whole acne formation process takes up to 90 days. What you see on the surface of your skin today actually began forming underneath the surface several months ago! Since acne takes time to form, it takes time to clear. Acne is also never 100% cured, it is only controlled long-term with the proper skincare routine, lifestyle adjustments, and treatment plan.

Schedule your consult today!

We have helped dozens of women get clear with our In-Person and Virtual Acne Program. So whether you are in the Green Bay area or out-of-state, you can finally look forward to having clear, healthy skin.

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